Ella Randle’s 28 Grams reviewed
TRIGGER WARNING: Eating Disorders Ella Randle’s 28 Grams is a poignant, intimate, yet humorous exploration of a young woman’s seemingly difficult journey in accepting herself and the life she lives.
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TRIGGER WARNING: Eating Disorders Ella Randle’s 28 Grams is a poignant, intimate, yet humorous exploration of a young woman’s seemingly difficult journey in accepting herself and the life she lives.
All in all, Fringe Freak Out is a stellar performance and one you should all go to and watch on Feb 12th as a perfect way to end Fringe Festival.
"The premise of Arty Facts is compelling... the execution of this entertaining idea is, however, lacklustre."
Overall, the ‘After Hours Comedy’ show is a great late night entertainment option for those looking to have a drink and a laugh with friends or family.
Fabian Woods writes intelligent comedy with a purpose. I look forward to seeing what Mr. Woods does next.
Let’s Dance is well worth the watch if you love anything Bowie or burlesque.
With vigour and ecstasy, Providence Gospel Choir heralds the coming of the 2022 Perth Fringe World!
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