The concert introduced the works of 17-18th century composers such as Stradella and Banchieri, whose music are emotionally charged by the Baroque doctrine of affections.  Indeed the Italian songs sung by the soloists sparkled under  this singularly dramatic Baroque sensibility. Each piece was well-suited to vocal abilities of the singers, and the orchestra ebbed and flowed according to the fluctuations of the singers’ affections to create a wonderfully rich musical landscape.

Just as in the previous century,  Gertrude Stein was convinced that the lines of a successful artwork should vibrate with a musical sound which is compelled by emotions, sincerity and authenticity is everything in a moving performance.Compelling emotions are wrought by the artist willing to plunge into the depths of her soul.The only other times that I was blown away watching a live classical singer was during the concert of Korean coloratura soprano Sumi Jo and opera Madame Butterfly in His Majesty’s Theatre three years ago. Even spectacular theatrical productions such as The Magic Flute and Phantom of the Opera didn’t create such a lasting impression. This was definitely an unforgettable musical experience that will stay with me for a long time.


Words by Carin Chan

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