25 Days of Guild Elections, Day 19: Wei-ing up on online elections
The Dark Army told me that Stage 2 is ready.
Bringing you the scoop since 1930
The Dark Army told me that Stage 2 is ready.
Challenge set, Blackstone Society.
Interview by Skevos Karpathakis.
Unclear, at times bizarre, and lacking in adequate information and support, the current procedure for reporting sexual harassment on campus is at last getting an overhaul - thanks largely to…
CCTV in the Tav is now definitely a happening thing, with the Student Guild passing a Use and Access policy at the Council Meeting last month. Kate Prendergast reports.
Responding to a series of misogynistic cartoons published by the West Australian, drawn by editorial cartoonist Dean Alston, the UWA Guild has called quits on sponsorship and advertising arrangements with…
2015 was without question, a shithouse year. I write this in its closing weeks and at this stage it looks like we’re going to reach the new year with neo-fascistic…
After 10 years without a student protest, two in the space of six weeks! UWA has returned to the simmering voice of student dissent, what next? Burning our draft cards?…