By Riley Faulds

As reported yesterday, a number of STAR candidates have withdrawn from the elections race for this year. The OBs from that article aren’t the only ones to have officially withdrawn, however. This is a list of withdrawn candidates, which will be updated as more withdrawals become official. This list is also found on the front of each polling place.

NOTE: If you forget who has withdrawn when you’re voting, don’t stress. If you put the withdrawn candidate as one of your preferences on the ballot, this will be ignored when counting, and each preference below the withdrawn candidate will move up one position. So if you put a withdrawn candidate as your second preference, this will be ignored, and your third and fourth (et cetera) preferences will become your second and third (et cetera).

HOWEVER, if you place a withdrawn candidate first and do not preference any others, your vote will be discarded. Keep that in mind when voting this week.


Withdrawn Candidates

Office Bearer Candidates

  • Gilbert Porter (COSTA) – Welfare Officer
  • Barakat Al Lamki (STAR) – Welfare Officer
  • Aliyah Petker (STAR) – President of Education Council
  • India Aniere (STAR) – Environment Officer
  • Melani De Alwis (STAR) – President of Public Affairs Council
  • Priyanka Sharma (STAR) – Women’s Officer


NUS Representatives

  • Aliyah Petker (STAR) – NUS Rep.
  • Melani De Alwis (STAR) – NUS Rep.
  • Priyanka Sharma (STAR) – NUS Rep.

Ordinary Guild Councillors

  • Keerthan Ganesan (STAR) – Ordinary Guild Councillor
  • Will Poh (STAR) – Ordinary Guild Councillor
  • Sarah Sheikh (STAR) – Ordinary Guild Councillor
  • Jesse Hunt (STAR) – Ordinary Guild Councillor


There you have it!

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