Contact these folks if you have multimedia or artistic content that you’d like commissioned, but don’t have the skills to create yourself. Unless stated otherwise, you can contact everyone below via Facebook, and their Instagram handles are listed next to their names.


While we’re here, make sure you follow Pelican’s Instagram, @pelicanmagazine; you’ll see a lot of content from these folks on here.


Media Staff


For your multimedia content, it’s best to contact Tony, Ei, or Ashley first; they’re your dedicated Media Team.


  • Having contributed significantly in 2019, Tony (@mathematagrams) is a returning Pelly photographer. He’s interested in shooting basically anything you want covered – especially events – in addition to videoing interviews. When I asked Tony how he’d be spending his holidays before returning to uni, he said “crying?”. Let’s all take a moment to pray for Tony.


  • Ei (@hnin_ei96) specialises in photography (including underwater and aerial) and videography (including video editing). She’s quite happy to facilitate any multimedia content you need, but is especially interested in creating short videos for food and restaurant reviews. Ei’s living it up in Myanmar before heading back to Perth at the end of January.


  • Ashley (@ashleybrowse) is keen to put his photography skills to good use with Pelly. He’s open to shooting any photos you need, whether it be to support an article, or fully cover an event. At the moment, he’s in Italy for a study-abroad unit, where he’ll be skiing and taking a heck load of photos.


If you’d like to create some multimedia content specifically for the Lifestyle, Music, or Politics sections, you can also contact the relevant Sub-Editors below.


  • Cameron (@cameron.carr.718) is Pelly’s 2020 Lifestyle Editor, and is a photography and infographic whiz. He’s especially interested in creating Vox Pop-style videos. Cameron’s just returned from South Africa, and he’s currently sleeping off his jetlag and exploiting his workplace for free coffee.


  • Ella (@ellafox.m) heads our Music section for this year. She’s great with a camera, and would like nothing more than that shoot photo essays for Pelly. She’s spending her holidays in Singapore, Vietnam, Kuala Lumpur, and Lombok – in an induced coma, she says. “It’s a tough, tough life.”


  • Christine (Christine Chen Photography) is our Politics Editor for 2020, and she has a lot of plans for the kind of content she wants to shoot. She likes the idea of photographing prominent figures from different industries (politics, entertainment, arts) to accompany print and online interviews. As the Politics Editor, she has a soft spot for the political; she’ll shoot student protests, strikes, and just about anything else related. She told me she was interning full time before heading back to uni, accompanied by a sad face. We’ve all been there, Christine. ☹




In terms of artistic commissions, contact Pauline, Ei, or Ashley; they’re Pelly’s dedicated Illustrators.


  • Pauline (@pauline.wong.10) is Pelican veteran, having worked closely with the Magazine since 2019. Editor Stirling commissioned a lot of images for the Arts section back then, and she can confirm Pauline’s reliability, professionalism, and vision; in fact, Pauline’s work is the image that accompanies this article. She specialises in black ink on paper, quick-drawn illustrations, a little bit cartoony, to accompany Pelly print content. Pauline’s already back at uni, but she spent her summer camping up and down the WA coast, and road-tripping around New Zealand. You can contact her at [email protected].


  • As well as being a photography and videography aficionado, Ei makes clay figures and needle felt dolls, mostly teddies. We know this isn’t exactly illustration, but damn it’s wholesome and if we don’t see at least one piece of content with these figures and dolls this year, we’ll be very annoyed.


  • Ashley has skills in 3D art, as well. He didn’t elaborate on what this might look like, and I didn’t ask. He’s a man of mystery. You’ll have to message him to find out more.


Illustration Arrival, courtesy of Pauline Wong. You’ll see this one in print in the first edition for 2020. 

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