So today in a little slice of Guild news the following motion was passed unanimously at today’s Guild Council Special Meeting:
That the 105th Guild Council accepts the attached Guild Election Regulations as approved by the Governance Committee.
Moved: Molly Goldacre; Seconded: Benjamin Perry.
You can view the amended regulations here and the more specific table of changes here.
If you have any queries about these regulations we’d recommend emailing the Guild Chair, Molly Goldacre, at [email protected] or coming along to upcoming OGM on Tuesday 27 March 1pm at Wilsmore Lecture Theatre where this is a discussion item. Also it is important to note that members of the Guild who are unhappy with these regulations are more than entitled to have them reconsidered at a general meeting of the Guild as per the Regulations & Statute 20 below:
“(4) The notice posted in terms of sub-clause (3) must include advice to the ordinary members of the Guild that they are entitled to have the resolution considered at a general meeting of the Guild, subject to fifteen members giving notice to that effect within 14 days of the date of posting on the noticeboard.
(5) If no notice is received in terms of sub-clause (4), the resolution takes effect after the stipulated 14-day period has expired.
(6) If 15 members of the Guild give the notice required in sub-clause (4) within the specified timeframe to the Secretary of the Guild, the resolution is considered at the next general meeting of the Guild or at a special general meeting called for the purpose.”
Stay tuned for more news and information every week.
Pelican Editorial Team

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