When you were a kid didn’t you love going to the circus? Now you LUST for it with Sinsuality, the deliciously sexy, gravity defying new show from Kinetica, hosted by the infamous Barbie Q Coals.

Sinsuality is a dark and dramatic riot of circus, aerials, burlesque, and pole dancing that illustrates the seven deadly sins and will leave you breathless. Each sin brings a different performer and a completely different style, making this a smorgasbord of sexy sinners.

Kinetica have been together since 2012 and their intense command of both aerial and floor circus performance is beautifully combined, with both comedic and dark- almost fetish- elements in every show they create. This is no exception. They really challenge typical dynamics of gender and sex: with lustful homoerotic businessmen and one particularly wrathful pole mistress making for a show that’s both interesting and perfect for a modern audience.

Kinetica were joined by the vicious vixen Ruby Lai and the ever-sweet siren Sugar du Joure as special guest sins with their own delicious routines. These local favourites shined in this delightful, dark ring. Lai dances full-time at Bobby’s Pole Studio and is one of the top pole dancers in WA. Du Joure is a fabulous burlesque artist performing her sparkling butt off this Fringe, appearing in a number of different shows. Both add depth and a different sort of desire to the night.

The Mistress of Ceremonies, Barbie Q, was a highlight of the show. With constant costume changes and hair that gets bigger and bigger, this drop dead gorgeous drag diva powers through the breaks in between acts with some fabulous lip syncing and hilarious commentary that doesn’t give the audience a moment’s rest. Beware the audience participation – you might end up talking about some of your favourite sins on stage!

Sinsuality ran as part of Fringe World Festival at The Lunar Sensation Big Top.

Words by Caz Stafford

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