Happy Sunday! I very much resent having to write this. Sunday is the day of rest, and as such, I should be curled up in bed binge watching my new favourite drama, Nashville. Have you watched it? It’s about an ageing country diva’s chagrin when her label starts throwing their money and resources behind some Taylor Swift-esque upstart with a short skirt and a Bad Attitude. It’s delicious, I do recommend.

But alas, I’m not in my literal bed. I’m lying in this figurative one; the one we made for ourselves. Bummer. Plus, we’ve got to capture that Sunday evening social media audience. We try!

Today’s hot goss arrived in the inbox replete with graphs! Thank you, anon. This source reckons that they’ve crunched the numbers, and in the last six years Liberty/Launch have increased the number of Ordinary Guild Councilor (OGC) candidates they run six-fold. This goss isn’t really that hot – for the freshers and the uninitiated, here’s how it goes. The major tickets run a heap of candidates for the position of OGC, in order to funnel their voters’ preferences toward the candidates they’d actually like in the position. These are the paper candidates, and chances are you’re friends with at least one of them. Expect to hear from that girl you sat next to in a tute once two years ago asking for your support very, very soon.

We will be on campus tomorrow – all students (fans and haters alike) are welcome to come hang out in the office above the Ref. Issue 6 is also available on campus tomorrow – it’s the party issue, and it’s 100% banger. This has been a plug.

Keep your tips coming to [email protected] 😉

Words by Lucy Ballantyne


By Pelican Magazine

Pelican is the second-oldest student publication in Australia and the only independent paper at UWA. If you like having opinions, writing, drawing, and/or free tickets to local events, then Pelican is the place for you! We print six themed issues a year, and run a stream of online content.

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