Sorry that this is so late – turns out that it is even harder to pretend to care about guild politics on a weekend. I hope that you, beloved reader, are enjoying your Saturday – where did you go for brunch? I went to Sayers Sister. It was ok!

Five days in, and already I am so weary. The only thing that bolsters me to go on is the fact that yesterday’s post seemed to annoy some guild person called David Cann, pictured:

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I don’t know David Cann, and actually I keep accidentally referring to him as ‘David McCann’ in my head for some reason. It’s just a more aesthetically pleasing name. David McCann would be like, a cheerful Irish guy who works in a pub and is up for a laugh. David Cann is, clearly, not up for a laugh.

Pelican is a publication funded by students, and believe it or not, we do take criticism to heart. We want to be readable, and we want to be informative! Er, having said that though, we don’t like to publish stuff that’s boring or, well, depressing. And for me to ‘report’ ABC-style on guild politics would be both of those things, as I’m sure any student who doesn’t live in the guild council bubble would understand.

The minute that UWA student guild elections become anything other than a cute little fight over who gets the best cushy union job after graduation, Pelican will take notice. Until then, we’re probably just going to keep taking the piss.

Send your thinly veiled criticisms and hot juicy tidbits, as always, to [email protected] 😉

Words by Kat “a bit scared for her life” Gillespie

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