Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Reviewed
"Warning, chocolate craving imminent" - Amy Papasergio reviews
Bringing you the scoop since 1930
"Warning, chocolate craving imminent" - Amy Papasergio reviews
"Vibrant and entertaining" - Fiona Marshall reviews 'The Boy from Oz'
It’s that time of Semester again. The crew at UDS is putting on their Semester 1 comedy musical, “ The Hill’s Heist”. Lachlan Serventy sat down just outside the Dolphin…
Blah blah blah. Hello, I am Jamie Mykaela - cabaret dickhead extraordinaire. It’s the third week of fringe. I am tired and sparkly. Send Beroccas and diet cola beverages.
Dahl wrote from the perspective of a child made powerless in a world run by adults. The musical adaption weaves together Tim Minchin’s rhythmic wit with the children’s classic to…
Full of inappropriate lyrics, wildly addictive melodies and a plethora of multicoloured pantsuits, you’ll be left falling asleep to images of Hillary Clinton dancing with invisible maracas for days. Caitlin…
The only thing left to say is: bra jobbat och lycka till med era resterande pjäser! Leona Mpagi reviews.