FRINGE REVIEW: The War on Food
I don’t know about you, but whenever I buy groceries I constantly worry about the possibility of a dystopian future where a single company has control over all of our…
Bringing you the scoop since 1930
I don’t know about you, but whenever I buy groceries I constantly worry about the possibility of a dystopian future where a single company has control over all of our…
Receiving a personal invitation to view it is like joining a Skull and Bones sundowner: the logistics and lingo might not make a lot of sense, but you know witnessing…
If you’re looking for something to really sink your teeth into and to leave you breathless, ‘Snake/Bad Adam’ is worth every moment. And you had better not bring your folks…
‘Sinsuality’ is a dark and dramatic riot of circus, ariels, burlesque, and pole dancing that illustrates the seven deadly sins and will leave you breathless.
This is a juggernaut of a performance. Set against the ramshackle backdrop of packing boxes and askew projector screen, it is relentlessly energising. You get the sense that nothing could…
These two protagonists are “guests” of a sleep clinic, wearing uniformed striped pajamas and consuming questionable drugs. They reflect a sense of innocence and vulnerability in their failures to overcome…
“In our apartment in New York, I had a life-size, ‘Dr Who.’ cardboard cut-out of Captain Jack Harkness,” Pascoe said, smiling, “and he would scare the sh*t out of everyone…
Like a baby with a pet anaconda, it was an odd mix and the pedestrian was partnered with the comic and entertaining, some definitely sticking more in the mind than…
Considering Halligan is an established comedic writer I was surprised with how sloppy the show was. It wasn’t just the provincial cultural transgressions that left me unmoved; the whole show…
Creators Katie-Rose Spence and Hannah Pascoe have devised a wordless show about human connection, using memes and YouTube clips, pictures of Jeff Goldblum, cardboard cut-outs, and most importantly, their own…