Why everyone should care about International Women’s Day
Hi there! It’s Roshni here, your friendly neighbourhood Women’s Officer. In case you’re not sure what the Women’s Officer does, here is a friendly infographic. Today is International Women’s Day,…
Looking at you, UWA Alumni
It’s important this International Women’s Day, and every other day of the year, we are all making an effort to seek out the voices of women, particularly those who experience…
Jamie Mykaela’s Tour Diary
Blah blah blah. Hello, I am Jamie Mykaela - cabaret dickhead extraordinaire. It’s the third week of fringe. I am tired and sparkly. Send Beroccas and diet cola beverages.
Jamie Mykaela’s Tour Diary
Aloha, pals! Resident glittery cabaret trash-pile here, Jamie Mykaela. Giving you the ins and outs of choosing a stupidly niche career path of ukulele playing and spouting nonsense. Don’t do…
Fashion Cannot Campaign for a Feminist Future When It Still Perpetuates an Exploitative System
How can the exploitative system that abuses women attempt to imbue a feminist rhetoric in its work? Isabella Corbett writes.
A Deep Critical Analysis of These Items of Feminist-Branded Apparel
I would rather feminism not be monetised by an industry that doesn’t uphold feminist ideologies, you know? Isabella Corbett writes.
Smash The Patriarchy
Far from being at odds with Islam, feminist sentiment is both supported by scripture and the history of the interpretive tradition. Prema Arasuwrites.
Why I Wrote 14 Articles for ‘Return of Kings’
Kate Prendergast wrote 14 articles for sad-man shitty neo-masculinist website 'Return of Kings'. Why.
It’s About ‘Story’
Blizzard is slightly reducing the sexual-objectification of its female characters, even if their official reasons for doing so are weak. The benefit being that the euphemism of characterisation is easier…