The real estate market that sells houses in 48 hours
Finance sub-editor, Brando Arimborgo explains the surge in real estate prices and the house market boom.
Bringing you the scoop since 1930
Finance sub-editor, Brando Arimborgo explains the surge in real estate prices and the house market boom.
The final report of the second National Study Safety Survey was released last Wednesday, with UWA ranking fourth and sixth for prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual assault, respectively.
The 2022 Flash Fiction competition has officially kicked off! For the first round, writers were given the task of composing a story of no more than 300 words that related…
Directed by Shari Sebbens and written and starred in by Meyne Wyatt, prepare to be faced with the past we know as a society, yet are still unprepared to fix…
Vacuum decay is all-encompassing, unpredictable, extremely efficient, and happens at the speed of light. So totally not day-ruining because you don't see it coming, can't stop it, and won't even…
Dinosaurs could actually be on the moon! Well, parts of them anyway.
Every month the elected student body meets to discuss the business of the UWA Student Guild, elect new members, and pass potential motions. This report details the happenings of the…
From the very first opening of the orchestra, I knew what we were going to experience was something unforgettable.
Psychology is the science of behaviour. It is what helps people when their mental health is deteriorating. It helps develop flight safety protocols, and it is absolutely necessary when providing…
Dramatic and thought-provoking, Goliath (2022), written by Frédéric Tellier and Simon Moutaïrou, is a film about rebellion and desperation that will leave you second-guessing everything you know about environmental politics.