Someone Stole Dee Perse’s Tree , Reviewed
"The real and ridiculous collided at the Subiaco Arts Centre" - Patricia Frazis reviews.
An Interview with Alex Lorian, Director of Good for Nothing Blues
"Let’s make this an indie hit." Interview by Jacob Cerin
TRANSCRIPT: Full Conversation Between VC Dr Amit Chakma and Protesters
A transcript to accompany the video on our Facebook page.
‘We aren’t going away, UWA!’: a Protest Re-cap
Yesterday's protest culminated in a spontaneous occupation, and a face-to-face discussion with the Vice-Chancellor.
BREAKING: Vice-Chancellor declares re-structures a “war”
"When this story was provided, I discounted it as something worthy of our comedy section."
BREAKING: School of Molecular Sciences next on the chopping block
The next stage in the university's attacks on education has been announced.
Karrgatup/Kings Park: The Case for Dual Naming
"Karrgatup is a powerful, ancient, and continuing Noongar name."
Debunked Data: Opaque and Misleading
"Pelican can reveal an explosive document that debunks a significant number of claims made by the university"