By Riley Faulds

I know Pelican is meant to be unbiased when it comes to the election. However, polling begins on Monday, and we simply can’t stay silent any longer.



This election is really going to decide Canada’s future. With COVID-19 and uncertain economic conditions, students at UWA with voting rights in the Canadian election on Monday (Maple Syrup Standard Time) are crying out for direction.

Therefore, Pelican are endorsing Justin Trudeau. He’s definitely not the best candidate, or the leader of the best party. He’s done some particularly problematic things in the past, and has been kinda shady in calling this election so early. But, he’s really kinda hot, so like yeah.

‘Just in, True though!’ – Vote for Justin Trudeau.


Stay tuned for more, well, UWA-relevant elections content as we head towards polling beginning Monday!


Image courtesy of Unsplash.

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