Review: Love & Friendship
"I do think this film is very much worth seeing, if just to see Whitman dispel myths of Austen as “fuddy duddy bullshit” (quote attributed to a woman on Facebook)."…
Bringing you the scoop since 1930
"I do think this film is very much worth seeing, if just to see Whitman dispel myths of Austen as “fuddy duddy bullshit” (quote attributed to a woman on Facebook)."…
"It is an audaciously cinematic soundtrack fitting nothing in particular; but its sweeping synaesthetic kaleidoscopes can crop up your deepest, unrealest teenage dream-memories." Harry Manson reviews Wildflower, The Avalanches' first…
CCTV in the Tav is now definitely a happening thing, with the Student Guild passing a Use and Access policy at the Council Meeting last month. Kate Prendergast reports.
"So how exactly did “an orange Elvis squirted from a can of Cheez Whiz” manage to slip through the cracks of social common sense (which retrospect indicates is actually gaping…
"Well, here’s the verdict: Ghostbusters 2016 is better than Ghostbusters 1984. (Hear that? That’s the sound of a million nerd heads exploding.)" Jaymes Durante breaking dumb fanboy hearts and minds.
"It’s The Revenant meets The Brady Bunch, but less interesting." Yvonne Buresch reviews.
Responding to a series of misogynistic cartoons published by the West Australian, drawn by editorial cartoonist Dean Alston, the UWA Guild has called quits on sponsorship and advertising arrangements with…
From art documentaries to dude bro horror non-sequels to intensely erotic feminist Wiccan oddities, RevFest 2016 has you covered. Pelican reviews.
"A must-see for anyone interested in politics, or relationships, or the media, or sex scandals. Which really covers just about everybody." Review by Yvonne Buresch.
My first interview is with a couple who I meet in a coffee store. They typically breakfast in Putney, but on this morning have decided to come further into the…