Words by Justine Cerna

Every month the student representatives meet to discuss the business of the UWA Student Guild. This report details the happenings of the Student Guild Committee meeting held on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022. Talking points centered on business and operational matters including EBA negotiations, Guild Council/NUS relations, new tenants in Guild Village, and updated regulations (for Women’s and Access Departments). 


10.1 The 109th Guild Council approves the wage increases for EBA staff for the 2022- 2026 EBA negotiations, for:  

2023 – 0.5% added to the staff bonus,  

2024 – 2.5% increase,  

2025 – 2.5% increase,  

2026 – 2.5% increase  

Moved: Amitabh Jeganathan (AJ)
Seconded: Narendra Gammanpila (NG) 

10.2 The 109th Guild Council accepts the following: The governance committee upon review of the KPIs for NUS performance in 2022, grades a C and recommends a fee of $20,000.  

Moved: Amitabh Jeganathan (AJ)
Seconded: Rashdina Ramli  


AJ: “To stay affiliated, we have to pay [a fee]”. 

Motion passes. 


No elections for council positions took place.  


12.1 The 109th Guild Council approves the business case for ‘Main Street Barbers’ as a new tenant in Guild Village.  

Moved: Amitabh Jeganathan (AJ)
Seconded: Narendra Gammanpila (NG) 

The council moves to vote. One abstention is noted, the motion passes. 

12.2 The 109th Guild Council approves the business case for ‘Pide and Pizza House’ as a new tenant in Guild Village. 

Moved: Amitabh Jeganathan (AJ)
Seconded: Narendra Gammanpila (NG) 

Motion passes. 

12.3 The 109th Guild Council approves the establishment of a part time position on a twelve-month contract for Guild Venture starting in January 2023.  

Moved: Amitabh Jeganathan (AJ)
Seconded: Narendra Gammanpila (NG) 


AJ: Venture’s profile has really grown in the past twelve months. Chloe’s been working hard and does not have enough time anymore. This position will free Chloe to pursue resources. [The decision is part of] a long-term vision to make Venture self-sustaining, eventually. 

Motion passes. 

The council proceeds to vote on a procedural motion to make Daniel Roden (Independent) Chair of Council for the remainder of the meeting, replacing Rashdina Ramli. 

12.4 The 109th Guild Council approves the new regulations for Women’s Department. 

Moved: Chloe Bryant (CB)
Seconded: Rashdina Ramli (RR)   


CB: A change for non-binary students. I’d like to thank Rashdina and the Governance committee. Women’s Department terminology will change soon. The department does not want to make non-binary students uncomfortable in a space that does not serve their interests.  

Motion passes. 

12.5 The 109th Guild Council approves the new regulations for Access Department. 

Moved: Melani De Alvis (MDA)
Seconded: Dana Fung (DF) 

Before comments MDA proposes to reword the motion. The proposal, then moved by DF and seconded by MDA is permitted by Chair of Council.  


DF: [There have been] edits to descriptions for deputy of Access Officers. AUSLAN Class Coordinator and International Students Convenor change, resulting in more diversity and broader representation (vis-à-vis inclusion of international students).  

Motion passes.  


Meeting closed 6:33pm. Next meeting will be held Wednesday 30th November 2022 at 6:00 PM.  

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