Words by Justine Cerna

As is the custom during this absolutely crazy time on campus (certainly in the Pelican office!), we have measured up the policies that have been announced in the past week or so. Over liquorice all-sorts, we sat down with University Management, researched, and ran through the feasibility of some of the tickets’ policies that stood out the most to us. 

Because of the sheer volume of policies produced by Guild parties, we wouldn’t be able to fact-check every single policy. Many of the policies listed by tickets are vague to the point of being difficult to check or verify. Others still are points that appear to be broadly common ground between parties. Some key policies of each party that set them apart as tickets have been laid out below.  

Our judgements include a primary designation of feasible, which means theoretically the policy can be achieved, and where required, a likely or unlikely, where we consider historical activity, third party influence or just general policy soundness.   

Where policies attend similar issues, we have addressed them under one point.  

Happy reading and voting!  





  1. Propose a mid-semester unit feedback system for students to voice their concerns, so changes can be implemented before the semester end. 


A brainchild of a collaboration between Global and Education Council members, this policy responds to dissatisfaction with current feedback processes (SURF/SPOT surveys at the end of the semester). The idea is to make it mandatory for unit coordinators to release mid-semester surveys. The results would then indicate what areas could be made more effective by the end of the semester. It is a policy looking to address current issues; however, it will depend on the staff’s reception of the idea. It is not entirely certain if mid-semester surveys will replace end-of-semester surveys, or will unit coordinators conduct both?   


It is feasible and somewhat likely.   


  1. Strive to advocate for more ease of access to unit information through standardisation across units. 


Global has already nutted out how standardisation across units could be achieved, apparently with the creation of an LMS template that all units would follow. This would then be handed to the Education Council, who would bring it to Tim Martin (Associate Director of Student Services and Engagement). Easy-peasy? Maybe.  


Feasible and likely.  


  1. Endeavour to mandate cultural awareness modules for all staff to avoid casual and passing remarks that may be considered discriminatory 


Advice on this point is feasible, with Vice-Chancellor Amit Chakma and Tim Martin being open to discussion. Staff would be paid to take such modules. Perhaps, as part of induction onto new staff or retraining for those established at UWA?  




  1. 4. Commit to running town hall sessions to provide a platform for students to be heard. 


Global wishes to reinstitute town hall sessions in Reid Library. A number were held in 2020 but were eventually cancelled due to low turn-out. Being a somewhat minor operational commitment by the Guild, we can’t see any reason why, logistically, it cannot be reinstated.  


Practically feasible, the likelihood of implementation will most likely depend on student engagement.   


  1. 5. Global will work to run up-skilling workshops such as hospitality training – e. barista and RSA qualifications.


Similar initiatives have been implemented in the past; however, research indicates that it was stopped due to poor turnout. It would follow a similar model to workshops implemented in the community by the McGowan government and the City of Perth. Global may seek their support for this and will need to potentially look for some room in the budget for it to be implemented. 







  1. Reid Library OPEN 24/7 


There are already whispers about the extension of opening hours for Reid library in 2023, as well as the Medicine and Law libraries. As it stands, Reid is open, during the semesters, from 7 AM – 2 AM every day except the weekends, when it opens at 8 AM. The current advice from management is that student numbers drop off to non-existent between those hours between 2 AM – 6 AM (obviously, young people need sleep!). So, it really does depend on the study habits of students in the upcoming semester and beyond. We’d say it’s more likely that other libraries will see their hours extended before the university considers keeping Reid open 24/7. However, nothing is impossible. 


Feasible, but highly unlikely (for now).  


  1. Universal submission times for assignments 


Council has been successful in changing academic rules in the past. Further changes to established academic rules must be approved by the Academic Board, and as such, the success of this policy (and others like it) depends on the advocacy and negotiating abilities of the student representatives who meet with the Board.   


Launch is not the only party that has announced a policy pertaining to academic rules (see STAR).  


Feasible, but depends on students advocacy.  


  1. 48-hour assessment extensions with no documentation needed.   

See Spark Point 4 (below).  


  1. Exam Mark breakdown 


A great idea. Protocol pertaining to teaching/learning materials are controlled by the university, and it would take time in consultation with the Academic board.  




  1. Common Lunch hour EVERY DAY. 


Every Tuesday during the semester from 1PM – 2PM is the common lunch hour for all students, meaning no classes are scheduled during this time (unless with express permission from the Guild President). However, implementing this every day during the semester may present a challenge to academic staff, considering their hectic timetables.  


We see the implementation of this policy unlikely for now. 


  1. Save the Sundowner! 


“It’s simple. Bring back this iconic part of the UWA experience and allow the revitalisation of student life✅✅✅. Why? Because students deserve the full university experience and that is something LAUNCH will deliver!”  


Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, the problem with the Sundowners is that they are generally in a public space (e.g., the foreshore along Hackett Drive). This means that they are not within the jurisdiction of the university, and this presents all sorts of logistical and legal problems if things get out of hand. Management is open to working with the Council on reintroducing the Sundowner if they are relaxed, safe, and community-friendly events (no alcohol).   


Feasible, depending on Launch’s formulation of the Sundowner.   




  1. 24/7 STUDENT RELAXATION AND WELLBEING CENTRE to support student wellbeing all year round. 


The Guild already has a meditation room which Management reports is in constant use. As such, a purpose-built space is already being considered by the organisation as it discusses structural changes to the Village with the architectural firm TRBC.   


Feasible and likely.  


  1. ACCOMMODATION HUB to support students in finding affordable housing in the current housing crisis. 


Assuming this is a technological solution – that is app or web-based – this policy is absolutely feasible. The sophistication and efficiency of this app will depend on how much the Guild wants to spend on it and, of course, on student uptake. Given how dire the housing situation is looking (*cry*) for the foreseeable future, it is definitely worth pursuing.  


Most feasible if it has a web-based or app development. 


  1. Ensuring that all lectures are offered in person and recordings held for a maximum of two years. 


Protocol pertaining to teaching/learning materials is controlled by the university. This policy would take time in consultation with the Academic board.    


Given the state of staff-management relations and the very real pressure staff are experiencing to deliver quality education in current conditions, we do wonder if staff will have the capability to meet this particular demand.   


Feasible but unlikely.  


  1. 3-day automatic special consideration for all students. 


All policies approaching changes to the current arrangement between students and the university need to be presented to the Board. The way this policy is framed by Education Council candidate Holly Mellor (“No one who is unwell wants to drag themselves to the GP – and health should always be our priority.”) speaks to a casualisation of this relationship, which, to be honest, the Pelican can’t see flying with the Academic Board.   


With the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19 now seemingly behind us, the feeling is that students will probably still need a doctor’s note to qualify for special considerations.   


Feasible, but unlikely.  


STAR and Launch have also announced policies addressing special considerations. The feasibility of these remains as stated above. 


  1. Revitalising the Ref – NEW AND POPULAR VENDORS – a dessert bar, Mexican, or Indian outlet.


Management reports that efforts are already being made to revitalise the Ref (and the Village more broadly) in the wake of a tough economic period. On the matter of bringing in new vendors, it will be down to the ‘competition’. The Guild’s management team is open to the idea of extending Guild discounts to the Ref, but this will come down to the individual vendor.  


Feasible and likely. 


  1. LOYALTY REWARDS PROGRAM to reward students when spending on campus.  


Guild-affiliated students already receive discounts on Guild venues (e.g., Catalyst Cafe, Quobba Gnarning Cafe, etc.), so creating an app and expanding these discounts further does not seem to be a challenge and will depend on the Council’s budget allocation. 


Feasible and likely.  


  1. Improving the frequency and accessibility of training on sexual harassment to help those who fall victim. 


Given the shocking findings of the National Student Safety Survey released earlier this year, there has been a major emphasis on addressing the issue of sexual assault on campus. Both Welfare and Women’s Department have conducted campaigns focusing on different aspects of the issue. This policy will have to also make sure that it doesn’t focus solely on the aftermath but also on prevention.  


On a practical level, it is feasible.  


  1. Introduce electric bike and scooter chargers to encourage a reduction in vehicle emissions, as well as to ease parking availability and traffic congestion. 


Is micro-mobility the UW-ay of the future? Picking up on the increasing public (and campus) uptakeUptake of micro-mobiles, SPARK has announced this ambitious policy. We say ambitious because, according to management, the policy is feasible, but work on this will need to start on Day 1.   


To be useful, E-scooters need to get to other locations – for example, the Medical Campus in Nedlands. As such, the project will involve the City of Perth as well as the municipalities of Nedlands and Subiaco (another location of interest). It should be noted that Woosh bikes were on campus but removed, presumably because of lack of engagement.   


Another aspect to consider is that although the environmental impact of an e-scooter is minimal when in use, environmental impact starts from the manufacturing process and ends with its lifecycle or ability to be recycled. To maintain a low impact on the environment they must become longer-lasting to justify manufacturing them.” Charging must also be kept to renewable energy to maintain its low pollution impact.  


In our humble opinion, this is an exciting policy being offered. Its environmental impact is subject to many conditions and should be considered when implemented.  


A policy of this vein has also been announced by STAR.  


  1. Frequent ‘Fireside Chats’ at Reid and ‘Niche Tours’ to unravel UWA’s many secrets. 


We are honestly not sure about this one. Practically feasible, the likelihood that the whole Council would get behind such an initiative when much more pressing things (such as quality of education, transport, and PACSOC concerns) are at hand seems unlikely. We are also unsure what UWA’s many secrets exactly entail. Furthermore, it should also ensure that it is respectful to the Indigenous land on which we study.  


Practically feasible, the likelihood will depend on the entire Council. 


  1. Advocate for Reid Library to be open 24hrs a day on weekdays during the semester 

See Launch Point 1.  


  1. Advocate for the expansion of the Tav’s opening hours 


Guild management has said that the Tavern is planning to become a more family-friendly venue, which could affect the implementation of this policy. 


If the Tav is looking to market itself as a family-friendly venue, opening late hours may interfere with this. 




  1. Introducing a games room in the Guild precinct 


A games room in the Guild Village is feasible, but, as with the Fireside Chats and Niche tours, its realisation depends on how important next year’s council thinks a games room is. It is a question for Masterplan discussions with TRBC, which are occurring right now. Given that some departments (such as the Ethnocultural Department) don’t have a designated space, Pelican doesn’t see this being placed very high on the priority list.   




  1. Implement skill training programs year-round, such as barista and bartending courses 


Feasible. Please see Global Point 4. 





  1. Developed Guild App with a tailored events calendar as well as sign-up/application and discount catalogue. 


The implementation of a tailored technological interface with the Guild through a phone-based app is actually already in the ideation phase, with the organisation currently in the process of transitioning to a new POS (point of service) system which will be able to ‘speak’ to such applications. However, the inclusion of other functions such as calendars and a discount catalogue are both a matter of money and time. Apps are expensive – anywhere from ten to thirty thousand dollar-doos, and there is also the matter of ironing out all the bugs which are part and parcel of implementation.   


University management indicates it is likely and therefore feasible, depending on budget costs and technological transition.   


  1. Installation of bidets in toilets 


This policy addresses the cultural/religious/hygienic preferences of CaLD students on campus. It is great to see this type of inclusivity, but unfortunately, the installation of bidets in Australia is difficult and actively recommended against.   


Legally allowed, but would require comprehensive re-plumbing work of systems already in place. Logistically, unfeasible.  


  1. Free professional counselling services relating to inclusive sexual health, CaLD backgrounds, and relationships.  


The university offers counselling services via StudentAssist already. University management has said more directed, nuanced services toward sexual health, CaLD backgrounds, and relationships are possible.  




  1. Sunset Markets 


The markets have popped up on Guild agendas over the years with the aim of amplifying arts and culture on campus. Facilitating exposure for creative students (tactile and performative), there is potential for this policy, if pursued, to truly impact the student experience. Its success, therefore, depends on student interest, initiative, and budget.  


Feasible, but depends on budget and student engagement.  


  1. “Bring back” free $5 membership voucher for first years to increase club engagement.


Free membership initiatives of this kind have been implemented in the past, as recently as two years ago (and then, ya know – COVID). This is feasible and a matter of the Council’s priorities when deciding how to spend their budget.   


Feasible, but depends on Council. 


  1. Creation of dedicated after-hours return space + overnight storage space for clubs.


University management had one word: cost. Whilst this is a good idea, it requires a staff member to be onsite beyond standard business hours and thus will incur costs – money that is probably better spent elsewhere.   


It is feasible but unlikely.  


  1. Establish funds via UWA Convocation to make exchange more affordable and accessible.


A relationship between the Guild and UWA’s Convocation does exist, but its success is dependent on the Convocation’s own budget. From the outset, it doesn’t seem very likely this idea will get off the ground unless the Guild Council make a very convincing case to the Convocation that this is in their best interests.  


In the words of our Guild management source: “How far can they help? That’s the million-dollar question.”  




  1. Implementation of mixed student/staff parking 


Probs not, hey. Management suggested it was, unfortunately, very unlikely. It really be like that.  


  1. Keeping Guild cafes open for longer across the semester, not just exam periods. 


This is simply a matter of finding room in the budget to staff the cafes for the proposed extended hours.  




  1. Universal submission times 11:59 PM 

Feasible. See Launch Point 2.  


  1. Installation of E-Scooter hires on campus grounds to restore accessible transportation.


See Point 8 under SPARK.  


  1. Vape recycling trials discrete implementation collaboration with recycling firm.


Though it is a somewhat innovative idea, in its enablement of vaping and attending smoking culture, this policy is not one that the Guild organisation will likely get behind.   




  1. Self-declared 14-day special considerations for anyone facing a crisis redeemable during the semester. 


This policy seems to be coming off the back of the extenuating circumstance of COVID-19, which explains the 14-day time frame. As with STAR’s universal submission time policy, this one will need to be brought to the Academic Board.   


At face value, there does appear to be the problem of what actually constitutes a ‘crisis’. The university already has a robust special consideration process, and advice is that any changes to it would be difficult to put in place, especially with COVID-19 seemingly behind us.  


Feasible, but unlikely.   


  1. Implement low-cost laundromat service on campus. 


The future Council would need to consider issues of hygiene and machine longevity, insurance, etc. On the issue of hygiene alone, it is unfeasible and ergo, unlikely.  


  1. Establish a ‘Faith Council’ for faith clubs, which will advocate for women’s spaces in faith groups. 


Theoretically, a Faith Council would be easy enough to convene, and we don’t imagine anyone would be opposed to the idea of designated ‘women’s spaces’ in faith settings. But what does this commitment look like? Further, Faith Week is already hosted by the PAC.  


Feasible and likely. 


  1. Advocation for better hearing technology – fixing the existing hearing loop system, and introducing FM/digital wireless technology for a better learning experience for (deaf) students. (In consultation with the Access Department)


Investment in an improved suite of technology to address deafness in the community is a decision that ultimately lies with the university. The success of this policy depends very heavily on the student case presented to the Board.   




  1. Utilise Noongar language on monumental sites on campus 


With students’ ever-increasing cultural sensitivity to the legacy of colonialism in Australia, this policy signifies STAR’s conscious engagement with representational issues on campus. Such issues require genuine consultation with the relevant groups, such as WASAC and other First Nations entities. Presumably, this will involve formal naming of existing spaces, and thus, conversations regarding the traditions of the university will also arise. Bilya Marlee sets a precedent for such a policy; our assessment is feasible.    



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