By Jelena Kovacevic

Pelican is doing a get to know the Guild election tickets edition. Next up is Launch!

CB – Connor Blight – OGC 

CM – Cooper Mason – OGC 


You’re back! Have you been busy in the meantime?  

CM – There’s always an assignment that I’m leaving to the last minute to keep me busy. 


What are you studying? 

CB – I’m studying a Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics. 

CM – I’m studying the Juris Doctor. 


You’re cramming for an exam at 9pm on a Wednesday: Reid or Barry J? 

CB – Definitely ground floor Reid. 

CM – I’m a law library guy these days, previously Barry J. 


Why are you running for this position on Council? 

CB – I am running because it’s time for a Guild that works in the students’ interests. I want the Guild to have relevant discussions. Things like sundowners, universal submission times and fixing parking. I am running because I have the energy and drive to bring forward these relevant discussions and deliver results for students. 


What policy area do you believe needs work?  

CM – We need policies that get students wanting to spend time on campus. Improving the culture around campus by making it as easy as possible for clubs to do great activities, events and of course Sundowners! Improving the experience in lectures so students see the benefit of attending in person. Improving parking so it’s as easy as possible to find a park.  Let’s get these basics right so we can get UWA pumping again.  


What is something you would like to see changed on campus? 

CB – I would love to see Reid Library open 24/7. Students’ lives are flexible and often study is molded around so many other things. The consistency of being able cram at any hour will be so important for all students. 


What makes your policies unique from other candidates?  

CM – All of our policies are achievable and will make a tangible difference to student’s lives. Policies like a common lunch hour, policies like a 48hr document waiver extension for assignment. Like bringing back the sundowner! All our policies are changes that can be delivered in days not years and that will have a direct, positive impact on every student. While other tickets are focused on fixing every problem the world faces, we are committed to ensuring that your university experience is as enjoyable and as fulfilling as possible. 

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