Image description: A dark club/party scene with purple lights and confetti. A super-imposed star graphic in the foreground features the words ‘WE’RE BACK!’. 


By Courtney Withers


As the Campus News Editor for Pelican, I couldn’t be more excited to write the next sentence. We’re back on campus this semester!


After many months of online classes, the University is starting to incrementally open the campus for our return.


The University has announced that although there will be no lectures on campus this semester, and students will have a mix of both online and face-to-face classes, students are permitted to return to campus.


As per the State Government’s recommendations, UWA is currently in Phase 4 of the return to campus, organised by the Recovery Management Team (RMT). In this Phase, we will begin to see the “…workforce returned with flexible ways of working integrated”.



So, what does this mean for life on campus?


Firstly, clubs and faculties can start hosting events again, and begin operating normally.


Pelican is printing (yes, printing) our fourth edition for this year; MEMORY is now available around campus! The physical launch night for this edition takes place this Wednesday evening.


Clubs that have been keeping busy throughout isolation are now planning events for semester two – and I couldn’t be more excited! If you’ve been missing campus culture and club life, you’re in luck – SOC has announced their first event for semester two is happening very soon. It’s everyone’s favourite – Club Carnival!


This year, it will be held on Tuesday, August 4 (week two), between 12-2pm on James Oval. This will be an absolute ripper of a time, and is a great way for UWA students to be welcomed back to the campus culture we all know and love.


For those who haven’t been to Club Carnival before, it’s like a massive party for all the clubs and societies at UWA, and is a great way to see what campus life looks like. It’s also an opportunity to get involved in something new, or buy tickets to upcoming events.


If you want to find out more about what events are coming up, and how you can get involved on campus this semester, you should check it out!



Presidential Update


To fill you all in on some more exciting things coming up, I spoke with UWA Guild President Bre Shanahan.


“We’re really excited to welcome students back on to campus. We will be kicking off week one with Ed Week, run by the Education Council and featuring various events run by our Faculty Societies,” Bre said.


“We encourage students to come along and see what they have to offer – and of course, sign up for membership.


“Guild services have returned to campus so you can pop into our offices for Guild Volunteering, Student Assist or to have a chat to your student reps. Our Office Bearers have set up weekly consultation hours so feel free to drop into the Bob Nicholson office if you want a chat.


“I’d also love to hear any feedback you may have about the Guild or the university, so feel free to drop by or send me an email at [email protected].”



The New VC


Another important update for the University this semester is the incoming Vice-Chancellor, Amit Chakma.


Vice-Chancellor Chakma is committed to making the rest of 2020 a “…positive experience”, and is looking forward to the re-opening of campus for semester two.


“We are working hard to open up the University safely for the beginning of Semester 2, later this month,” Vice-Chancellor Chakma said.


“I look forward to seeing this beautiful and internationally renowned campus come alive with happy students.”


Vice-Chancellor Chakma also acknowledged the presence of international students, and their particular hardship during this time.


“To our international students, I understand this has been an especially challenging time, and I’d like to assure you that you are equal and valued members of our diverse community,” Vice-Chancellor Chakma.


“From my short time here I can already see that UWA is built on an inclusive and multicultural society and we will always embrace your individual backgrounds.


“We will continue our ongoing commitment to supporting you throughout your studies with us through digital learning and online engagement, wherever you are in the world.”



Looking Forwards – and Up


It really is such a pleasure to be returning to campus this semester, and I hope the rest of the year can still be memorable and enjoyable.


Considering that we attend a university in WA, our situation is much more fortunate than many others elsewhere, where people are still suffering greatly from the effects of COVID-19.


I really feel for the universities in the Eastern states that won’t be returning to campus this semester, and won’t be experiencing the same level of campus life and culture that are all so lucky to get back.


So, please make the absolute most of everything this semester, because we are very fortunate to be returning back to almost-normal. Sign-up for something new, go to more events than you normally would have, and take in the sunshine on Oak Lawn on your lunch break.


And, welcome back to campus!


Courtney is so glad to be back on campus, she’s signed-up for all 150 clubs. Someone please stop her.


Picture courtesy of Pixabay

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