Earlier this yesterday morning, a Special Guild Council Meeting (a meeting outside the regular timetable of the Guild Council Meetings) that was held to discuss the findings of the Election Culture Report, which came out from the 2019 Election Culture Working Group.

The meeting also saw motions pass that came directly from the findings of the report and are a direct amendment to Statue 20, which outlines how the Guild of Undergraduates (most likely you reading this right now) will govern themselves and elect representatives. These changes are listed below as per the June 21st, 2019 Council Agenda:


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These motions come from the recommendations made by the Election Working Group, which was lead by Patricia Paguio, who also is chair of the 106th Guild Council. Other suggestions from the report include a process to lodge grievances regarding election candidate behaviour, information sessions about the ‘who, what, when, where’ of the Guild, a walkway exclusion zone of the Reid booth for students to walk through campus along Saw Promenade and a blackout time for campaigners from 12:30pm – 1:30pm during each day of polling.

As an ordinary member of the Guild, you are entitled to have the resolution considered at a general meeting of the Guild, subject to fifteen members giving notice to that effect within 14 days of the date of posting on the Guild noticeboard. If you are concerned about these regulation changes, please email the General Secretary at [email protected]. The next Council meeting will be held this Wednesday, June 26th.

As always, more to come.

Words by Sophie Minissale

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