Daniel Connell is a comedian based in Melbourne, and has performed solo shows at Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Adelaide Fringe, Perth Fringe & The Canberra Comedy Festival. He returns to Perth’s Fringe World again in 2015 with his stand-up show “The Get Out Stakes”.

AG: When was the first time you knew you wanted to be a comedian?

DC: When I was 16 or 17 and I saw Jimeoin at the RSL in my home town.

AG: Tell us about your very first stand-up show… what was the best moment?

DC: When my final joke got a good laugh, my first four jokes didn’t go that well.

AG: What was the worst moment?

DC: When I walked to the microphone and realized I had never taken a mic out of a mic stand before. The mic came out after a four or five second struggle.

AG: What is this year’s fringe show about?

DC: ‘The Get Out Stakes” is about a six year period where I had a gambling problem. I lost a fair amount of money on horse racing and other sports during that time. Although it doesn’t sound like an ideal comedy topic, I’ve found my stories from that time and what I’ve done since then seem to make people laugh.

AG: How does your first fringe show compare to this one?

DC: My first fringe show was last year and it was about the time I wanted to become a Dodgem Car attendant so it’s a fairly different narrative to this one. This one is also a bit more personal but will still have my same style of humour throughout.

AG: What advice would you give to people who are nervous about doing their first comedy routine?

DC: When I started I was told to memorize my set and stick to time limits, I think that works well. Also, nerves are good.

AG: When and where will you perform it for the first time?

DC: Perth Fringe World will be the first time I perform the show.

AG: What was your first car?

DC: 986 Toyota Corona Station Wagon

AG: Your first job?

DC: Seafood Assistant at Woolworths!

AG: Your first CD?

DC: The first CD I ever brought was Len’s You Can’t Stop The Bum Rush. They had one hit, “Steal My Sunshine”. I should have bought the single.

Interview by Ash Gould

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