Suburban Dusk (Poem)
"Always to the dusk / an ever faster fade away".
A Deceptively Complex and Nuanced Game: Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass
Why is the chocolate tart made of blood again?
REVIEW: Where They Cremate the Roadkill
Clowder’s games are held together by surrealism, pastiche and chance. Where They Cremate the Roadkill is a step closer to perfection than its predecessors. William Huang writes.
Review: A Dog’s Purpose
It doesn’t take a study of the human condition to make a movie. Sometimes a movie’s purpose is simply to present a gratuitous, simple, but relatable story. William Huang reviews.
Review: Middens
Expression evolves alongside technology, and while the surrealist artists worked largely with oil painting, sculpture and photography, audience interaction was largely interpretive, and inherently reactive. To express what was hidden…