Mount Eerie – A Crow Looked At Me
It’s a masterpiece is what I’m saying. Eamonn Kelly reviews.
Bringing you the scoop since 1930
It’s a masterpiece is what I’m saying. Eamonn Kelly reviews.
Under the fig tree shade of the PICA Bar courtyard, Pelican talks with alt-cabaret artist (“not what your mum thinks of cabaret”), single-slinger, long time Baron of Fringe, Adele-hater and…
It’s not quite the end of the year, but it is the end of the Pelican year, so I thought I would get Peli’s music writer community to give us…
In 2009, I put out a call on social media asking what people’s favourite albums of that year were. A friend living on the East Coast, Matt Bellair, shot me…
For all the ways Another One is a simple, polished little edible derived straight from countless artists before him, Mac Demarco’s whole thing as a popstar who’s the sum of…
I saw Kevin Parker the other day. It was a Thursday, he was drinking with his girlfriend at the Norfolk, doing his best to be remain anonymous in the mixed…