Be More Chill Review: FRINGE WORLD Festival
A buzz of excitement greeted me in the Subiaco Arts Centre foyer prior to my viewing of the musical, Be More Chill, produced by local company, Phoenix Theatre. Clearly a…
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A buzz of excitement greeted me in the Subiaco Arts Centre foyer prior to my viewing of the musical, Be More Chill, produced by local company, Phoenix Theatre. Clearly a…
We all love a comeback story. And there have been few more interesting cases in film than with writer/director M. Night Shyamalan. After exploding onto the scene with The Sixth…
The University of Western Australia’s very own UDS (University Dramatic Society) takes the FRINGE WORLD stage in ‘Sad TV Man’. But don’t let the name deceive you; this show is…
Sophie is an Arts Honours grad from UWA. She currently coordinates Social Reinvestment WA, a coalition of non-profits working for justice reform, to reduce the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres…
Whilst I did not learn any of the things referenced in its title, How to Win Loot and Influence Dragons was an entertaining showcase of storytelling and imagination-at-play in a…
Whether you are waiting for, reminiscing about, or suffering through your angsty teenage years, Blueberry Play will certainly feel incredibly familiar, touching on that little part in each of us…
Talented fourpiece alt-rock band Wooly Mammoth recently emerged from their basement in Bassendean to speak with Pelican about their music. You can catch this chill blend of alternative dream rock…
Friday night’s opening of Michael Abercromby’s latest show FRONT served up a hypnotic mix of theatre, banter and music – and a few c bombs to go along with it.…
This week Dom and Tom talk Oscar season as it approaches! They discuss the years the Academy got Best Picture wrong (01:05) and review 2018’s Oscar favourites (09:51). They end…
It’s a story that we’ve heard a little too frequently recently. A young person dies after taking a deadly dose of drugs at a music festival. There is heartfelt outpouring…