James Dean and Toxic Masculinity
"Watching James Dean on screen in Rebel Without a Cause was the first time I saw a man properly cry on screen."
Bringing you the scoop since 1930
"Watching James Dean on screen in Rebel Without a Cause was the first time I saw a man properly cry on screen."
Why do we care and what does it mean?
"Full of energy, nostalgia, ‘high school peakers’, and an impressive dance off." - Francesca De Nuccio and Daniel Litjens review
Do we have super stars in the making?
We came, we saw, and we conquered!
Leafy bark shredded from punk tree...
"I’ve tried everything to eradicate it."—Tess Bury
"This movie amplifies what a critical time it is to think, and act, locally" - Aideen Gallagher reviews.
The state government has announced another COVID-19 case in Perth.