Author: Pelican

Pelican is one of the oldest student publications in Australia and the only independent paper at UWA. If you enjoy writing, then Pelican is the place for you! We print six themed issues a year, and run a stream of online content.

Carbonara Quest

As a food lover, it feels appropriate to go on a heroic quest to find the best version of a favourite dish. In my case, the dish is the beloved…

Eating Insects

During any exotic holiday, some will admit to eating insects from a roadside stall. But in everyday life, us Westerners usually reach for the bug spray when we see a…

Fuck Jamie Oliver

Picture this: the beautiful scenery of Stockholm coming into view, its gorgeous side streets and monuments backed by the lush strings of “Viva La Vida”. Out of nowhere, an all…

Charlie Hebdo

I recently drew my first picture of Muhammad. It was a 10-centimetre coal pencil sketch on the back of a serviette I made while waiting at a coffee store. Normally…