Mystified by what the different groups stand for? Hear from them directly in Pelican‘s “meet the ticket” series.

AI PartyAMITYGLOBALLIFTREVIVE – Social Justice (did not respond) – SPARKTHUNDERIndependent candidates

In plain terms, what does your group stand for?

Students representing student ideas, issues and projects. As THUNDER is only focused on Ordinary Guild Councillor/National Union of Students delegate candidates, we want to focus on making sure the students can rely on the Guild to properly attend to their issues and ideas and be that voice that doesn’t let them fall through the cracks.

What’s unique about your group?

As we are only concentrating on OGC and NUS candidates, we are not focused on the managerial and operational side of the Guild but are focusing on the students themselves. With candidates from all areas of the university, THUNDER OGC candidates want to be able to help their fellow students with the Guild resources that would be available. With many students giving feedback that often ideas or issues are half attempted and fall through, we want to be that net that makes sure all students are heard.

If you had been in control of the Guild this year, what would your group have done differently?

The main concern we’ve received from student feedback is deteriorating communication in some areas. If THUNDER wishes to be that bridge between Guild and students then we would need to keep an open, honest and transparent line of communication available at all times in all situations.

Which of your policies would you be most excited to implement?

A UWA Sport subscription-based service. Paid while doing your enrolment each semester you can also pay a one-time fee for the semester that will allow you access to the UWA gym and sporting facilities at an overall minimised cost that should rival other gyms in the area. Social sports would also be included in the subscription with a discount voucher available with purchase. While this is a policy that we are excited for we have other policies revolving around three key areas of student services, education and transparency and accountability.

Most students don’t vote in Guild elections – what’s the best reason they should vote for you this year?

We will focus on you. We are not focusing on the managerial and operations, we are focusing on the students and issues and ideas you’d like to be seen addressed or attempted. We are here to listen to the students and run hand in hand with them to actually make a change in 2025.

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