The AMITY team

Mystified by what the different groups stand for? Hear from them directly in Pelican‘s “meet the ticket” series.

AI PartyAMITYGLOBALLIFTREVIVE – Social Justice (did not respond) – SPARKTHUNDERIndependent candidates

In plain terms, what does your group stand for?

AMITY is a welcoming party for everyone on campus, celebrating diversity and inclusivity by uplifting culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, international students, and the accessibility community, while fostering a supportive environment that values cultural heritage, harmony and shared experiences.

What’s unique about your group?

The crossover and harmonisation between so many different student communities on campus.

Although you haven’t had a majority, two of your candidates were representatives on Guild Council (Amira Nunn and Selina Al Ansari, both elected with STAR). What have been their best achievements?

While we were both elected on the STAR ticket last year we both chose not to represent that group any longer but still would like to highlight just some of the initiatives we have done this year.

Amira Nunn (Ordinary Guild Councillor and National Union of Students delegate candidate and group agent): I collaborated with a number of organisations this year to run a very successful International Students Festival with over 150 people in attendance. We were able to collaborate with other university guilds as well with Murdoch and ECU Guild providing their support and presence as well. Sadly we did not receive the support of the UWA Guild which was unfortunate.

Selina Al Ansari (Ordinary Guild Councillor candidate): In my two months on the Guild Council, I have taken meaningful action to advocate for vulnerable groups both on campus and in the broader community. I helped to organise the Bangladeshi students solidarity sit-in on campus and have consistently supported initiatives for Palestine. Throughout the year, I’ve been actively engaged with the Guild Ethnocultural Department, championing the needs of CaLD students and helped with preparing a comprehensive survey of racism on campus.

If you had been in control of the Guild this year, what would your group have done differently?

  • We would have fast tracked the transcript and academic document release process in June to an earlier date in line with other universities.
  • Would have introduced more opportunities across the campus that caters for the international students.
  • Introduce more effective discounts.
  • Ensure a much easier or at least seamless pathway for obtaining the UAAP document.

Which of your policies would you be most excited to implement?

A “Welcome to UWA” support handbook to help new students settle into life at UWA.

The handbook will be emailed before arrival or made available on O Day in PDF and print formats. It will cover pre- and post-arrival information, navigating LMS, CAS enrolment, student ID, transport, visa and rental rights, and medical services – offering a comprehensive guide for international students transitioning to life at UWA.

Basically, creating a reference document so that whenever they feel clueless, they think about this instantly and come back to it.

Most students don’t vote in Guild elections – what’s the best reason they should vote for you this year?

Voting for us means a smoother experience for all students. We offer opportunities to gain valuable skills, paving the way for a secure future. #AMITY25 is more than just a student party; it’s a transformative movement that brings together diverse perspectives from all students, regardless of their background.

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