Mystified by what the different groups stand for? Hear from them directly in Pelican‘s “meet the ticket” series.

AI PartyAMITYGLOBALLIFTREVIVE – Social Justice (did not respond) – SPARKTHUNDERIndependent candidates

In plain terms, what does your group stand for?

An overhaul to the current Guild systems which have put off so many students for so many years. We’ll replace every position with an advanced AI in order to increase the transparency and efficiency of the Guild and put into place the policies that students actually care about.

What’s unique about your group?

Duh – we’re the only ones that want to make the most of the technological opportunities available to us, and we’re the only group with serious policies field tested against advanced large language models.

If you had been in control of the Guild this year, what would your group have done differently?

Legally renamed the Guild to the “UWA Student Guill’d”, and bringing a Grill’d restaurant to the Ref.

Which of your policies would you be most excited to implement?

Bringing a Grill’d to the Ref and subsidising a promotion of 100% off for students who come to Grill’d dressed as Gru. We will also regularly run a “Freak Guild” themed ball, obviously.

Most students don’t vote in Guild elections – what’s the best reason they should vote for you this year?

[Editors’ note: The following answer was passed through an AI detection tool which found a 100% likelihood it was generated by an AI chatbot.]

Students should actively engage in student political elections because the outcomes of these elections have a profound impact on various aspects of campus life, including the development and maintenance of campus infrastructure, the quality of student services, and the organization of community events and initiatives. By casting their votes, students gain the opportunity to influence which individuals are elected to represent their interests and advocate for their needs. This participation is crucial in shaping the environment in which they study, socialize, and grow, ensuring that their concerns are addressed and their voices are heard in the decision-making process.

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