I was expecting a lot from Just Wait!, an original piece of comedy theatre from our own University Dramatic Society (UDS). I loved Sad TV Man at Fringe last year, and I loved this new work from UDS.


Written by Xavier Hazard and directed by Matthew Nixon and Megan Rundle, Just Wait! focuses on Patricia, who is waiting in a doctor’s office based in Perth. It mostly centres on the topics of love, death, and tragedy – there’s the main couple; a hook up; people dying; and broken relationships – as Patricia expressively retells her past to a stranger.


The story was unconventionally told with no clear climax and resolution, which was quite refreshing. Sprinkled throughout this show are some philosophical ideas, my personal favourite being, “if we can tell each other the truth, then maybe we can tell ourselves the truth.” This is one such demonstration of a clever script expressed through older Patricia’s narration.


Older Patricia was an exceptionally funny and broken character. Her portrayal by Molly Holohan was beautifully executed through lines delivered with comedic flair.  The chemistry between Young Patricia (Izzy Stonehouse) and Young Danielle (Daniela Da Costa) was palpable in every scene, from their flirtatious first date, to their heated arguments. Giving this couple a potential run for their money would be Daniel (George Samios) and Delaney (Faisal Hamza). Emily Ford was a real scene-stealer during the Wet’n’Wild story, and her quick-witted spelling defence of young Patricia from a bully was extremely touching.


Even though the acting was wonderfully executed by each member of the cast, I must admit at first, I was very confused by the storyline. The narrative often jumped from present to past. Sometimes, actors did not play just one person, and often swapped characters with one another.


However, towards the end, through the dialogue of characters, the relevance of the show’s title really hits the audience; the confusion just needed to be waited out. Memory often jumps from present to past, but this is a realistic depiction of someone’s life, and the lessons learnt through choices.


Just Wait! runs until 27th of January and you can buy tickets here: https://fringeworld.com.au/whats_on/just-wait-fw2020


4.5 out of 5 Wet’n’Wild Gold Coast Tickets.  




Cassie is a tea addict who likes to think about going to the gym.


Image courtesy of FRINGE WORLD Festival.


Woodside Petroleum is a principal sponsor of FRINGE WORLD Festival. Pelican has been a long-time supporter of the Festival, and will continue to show its support. However, the Magazine feels it is unethical for Woodside Petroleum to remain a principal sponsor of FRINGE WORLD, given the current climate emergency, and Woodside’s ongoing contribution to climate change.

Other Festivals have demonstrated that ethical sources of funding are possible – you can read more, and sign the petition, here: https://www.change.org/p/fringeworld-side-with-the-climate-and-drop-woodside-petroleum // #fossilfreefringe #fossilfreearts // Arts and Cultural Workers for Climate Action

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