Are you a first year looking to vote for the first time? Have been inspired to make an active decision to decide who will be in charge of your SSAF contributions? Are you looking for a route to get around by interacting with as few people as possible?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this is the guide for you.


After speaking with Mary Petrou, we learnt that every year there is an unusually high number of informal votes in these elections. Now you may be asking who is Mary Petrou? Mary runs the operational aspects of the election including training of booth staff, running the count and reviewing electoral materials.

Here are some tips and tricks recommended by Mary when you get to the polling booth.

  • This an optional preferential election. You only need to place a #1 next to a single name for the vote to be formal.
  • IT IS NOT COMPULSORY, don’t vote if you don’t want to.
  • It has to be a ranking on the ballot. Any doubt on who is your first preference makes the vote informal and can’t be counted. A #1 on its own is fine, five #1 on the slip is no longer a ranking.
  • That ranking can extend as long as you’d like or have time to fill out (we here at Pelican recommend not going through all 240 odd candidates).


Its’s a question we often field when it comes to polling week. You’ve already made your mind up. Right? You don’t need a how to vote because you read the election material in that tutorial last Wednesday.

The important thing to remember is you aren’t compelled to vote. There is no obligation and you shouldn’t feel forced into the booth. If you do, let the lovely people at the counter know and they will send you on your way.

If you do want to vote our biggest advice is stick to the grass. Grass is like lava to Guild Candidates, regulations prevent them from using the it to campaign. So, if you are looking to vote at the Reid booth your options are twofold.

  1. Go through Arts block. Get yourself onto the bridge. Repel down to bottom floor Reid. Jump the moat. Walk to the booth.OR
  2. As you come from Winthrop, slip through the Tropical Grove. Wander onto the Great Court. Watch out for ducks. Walk to the booth. Don’t take your foot off the grass.

Another piece of advice is taking the badges off candidates that say you’ve already voted, can work as very effective repellent. If you’re worried about revealing who you’ve vote for take all of them and alternate across the days to maintain the mystery.


So, you’ve already voted and are looking for any opportunity to avoid the booths, but you’ve got to make that dreaded pass through the Reid library bridge every day. Here are some handy ways around campus.

RED ROUTE: If you are trying to get to anywhere on the Matilda Bay side of campus, use the bay itself as a walkway, not only do you keep away from candidates you get a view to end all views.

BLUE ROUTE: Continue to cut through tropical grove like you’re on an adventure through a rainforest. As you reach the other side head right instead of left and hug the Physics block on your way to James Oval

ORANGE ROUTE: You can also use the Arts block to pass by unseen. Use this as a chance to check out the Peacocks if you haven’t already. This is a time to become one with all the parts you’ve missed on campus while opting for efficiency. Take this new outlook in your stride.

BUSINESS SCHOOL: This booth guards the front door. You may have to be a little craftier. I’d recommend going down the stairs to the entrance where the bathrooms are. Then head back up the stairs towards Westfarmers Lecture Theatre.

Just like that you’ve become your very own cat burglar…Breaking into an open building… Without taking anything along the way.

If you have any sneaky routes of your own democratize those floor plans. Remember that as a voter do whatever makes you feel most comfortable, these elections should be on your terms, don’t rush straight to the booth take your time if you want to. Study up on all sides and make sure you’ve got something in mind as you reach the booth.

Joshua Cahill

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