Great author, great Australian Tim Winton writes as others speak. Naturally. Paralysed for choice, potential readers are often intimidated by this astounding man’s body of work, but we here at Pelican are happy to help, and have compiled a list of the author’s novels, ranked in order of least to most.

10 An Open Swimmer

TW6-open swimmer

Stunning, superb, Shakespeare weeps with envy. Just a few words that have been written about this book.

 9 Eyrie

TW- eyire

“I really liked how Tim Winton wrote this book” – Once overheard on a train.

 8 Shallows

TW- shallows

Objectively good.

That Eye, The Sky

TW- taht eye

Slightly better than objectively good.


TW8- bluback

This is a good one.


TW4- breathe

This book weaned me off heroin.

Lockie Leonard series

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

“Here you are son.” My father handed to me the Complete Lockie Leonard and we locked eyes. I could see that we were gonna be all right. Things hadn’t been the same since Mum died, and then with Dad’s drinking and gambling, well. But with this, with this one selfless gesture. I knew he still loved me. Oh and I forgot to mention we’re middle class and at the beach.

The Riders

 tw- rider

Still good.

2 Dirt Music

TW- dirt music

I fashioned a crude canoe from this book and today travel the world spreading its message.


TW- Cloudstreet

Phwoar, what a page-turner!


Words by Thomas Rossiter

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