Luminescent. If I had to describe this exhibition in one word, that’s what it would be. Mariko Mori’s first solo exhibition in Perth, Rebirth follows the theme of humans in relation to nature, the landscape and the cosmos. Mori explores the interconnection of ancient Japanese architecture, and the influence of light.

Presented in a variety of mediums, the exhibition is diverse, featuring sculpture forms, installation, drawing, photography, and digital media, all with a variety of effects. The most impressive element of this exhibition’s composition is found in Mori’s manipulation and utilisation of light throughout each individual piece. Whether the pieces were iridescent, glowing or made use of a colour spectrum, light was employed to illuminate, reflect or direct the viewer.

I have to say, some aspects of Rebirth were more impressive than others, though that is the nature of any exhibition. Each piece was elegant in its own right, and they each consolidated a focus on a central theme, however, the stone features seemed almost too alien in the context of the gallery. In some cases, where the installations would have benefited conceptually from interaction, the scale and space of the gallery disallowed movement between them. Reflecting an almost futuristic composition, I think this restrictiveness was used to demonstrate how the installations were intended to be viewed in their natural landscape.

Captivating and very, very pretty, I thoroughly enjoyed this exhibition.

Highlight: All the pretty lights.

Lowlight: Not being able to play in the stone circles.


Review by Emily Purvis

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