Mystified by what the different groups stand for? Hear from them directly in Pelican‘s “meet the ticket” series.

AI PartyAMITYGLOBALLIFTREVIVE – Social Justice (did not respond) – SPARKTHUNDERIndependent candidates

In plain terms, what does your group stand for?

GLOBAL stands for creating an inclusive environment in our diverse UWA community by empowering all students on campus.

What’s unique about your group?

We are the only international student ticket contesting in the elections.

Although you haven’t had a majority, GLOBAL has had several representatives on Guild Council this year. What have been their best achievements?

  • GLOBAL lobbied the University to release the end of semester one results and completion letters for students impacted by the 485 visa changes, prior to the official visa submission deadline.
  • GLOBAL raised awareness about the caps placed on international students to the Student Guild and lobbied for the Guild and the NUS to stand in solidarity with international students against the caps.
  • GLOBAL has raised awareness about the increase in costs of visas for international students to the Student Guild and lobbied for the Guild to stand in solidarity against the price hikes.
  • GLOBAL raised awareness about the ongoing conflicts in Bangladesh and Myanmmar and lobbied the University to provide welfare resources and academic support for students impacted by the situation in their home countries.
  • GLOBAL organised a collaborative session with ISD, StudyPerth, Kingsbridge Migration, International Student Services and the School of Indigenous Studies to help smoothen the transition for International students into UWA.

 If you had been in control of the Guild this year, what would your group have done differently?

GLOBAL would have worked towards increasing transparency on projects being run by its student leaders. We believe it is important to educate, inform and engage the student population every step of the way when dealing with projects that have stakeholders outside of the Guild. Not only does this increase transparency, it also allows student leaders to be held accountable for their actions and increases accessibility to these student leaders.

 Which of your policies would you be most excited to implement?

GLOBAL is excited for all 25 policies it is putting forward. Our policies fall under the different categories of Engagement, Advocacy & Welfare, Education, Transparency and Representation. If we had to pick, we’d choose the following:

  • GLOBAL will continue to lobby and support the NUS to oppose the student caps and working hours restrictions imposed on international students.
    • The federal government has implemented some major restrictions which impact both the current and future international student populations in Australia. These policies have not only created animosity but have created the impression that international students are no longer welcome here. International students play an important role in enriching our Diverse communities and imposing these restrictions can result in potential staffing cuts which can significantly impacts the University’s quality of education.
  • A combination of “GLOBAL will lobby for Office Bearers to publish their plans upon commencing their term to ensure accountability to the student population” & “GLOBAL will lobby for Office Bearers to run more town hall sessions across different areas of campus to increase accessibility to the student leaders.”
    • In reference to our answer for the previous question, GLOBAL believes the best way to engage the wider student population at UWA is to be more transparent and to increase accessibility to the student leaders. Student leaders must provide students with opportunities to have their voices heard, and it is extremely important to bring these town hall sessions to more accessible areas within and outside the main campus.
  • GLOBAL in collaboration with relevant stakeholders will run mental health seminars for international students.
    • Being the only international student ticket, each one of us identifies with the international student plight. Every international student’s journey is unique to their personal experiences but all too often, you hear similar stories of the issues that they face. From culture shock to lack of support networks to assimilating to a new environment altogether, these are just some of the issues that international students face when they first move to Australia. It is important to create a safety net and provide a support system which is fundamental to ensuring that they are taken care of as they pursue their degrees here.

Most students don’t vote in Guild elections – what’s the best reason they should vote for you this year?

GLOBAL recognises that there has been a lack of transparency from leaders and accessibility to leaders in the Guild. We acknowledge that some students feel like their voices have not been heard and are working to bridge this gap. Over the duration of planning this campaign GLOBAL has actively sat with a multitude of students across the University to get their input and perspective about the issues they are facing to better the resources we provide as student leaders to the UWA community. Our policies are an amalgamation of multiple voices being heard and we are ready to deliver and re-engage the wider student population by addressing the pressing issues students face daily at UWA. If you want your voice to be heard in our inclusive and diverse community, vote 1 for GLOBAL as we fight to empower all students at UWA.

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